Friday, August 7, 2009


Sorry madey..bru nk reply tagged ko hehehe
memule aku ingt pebende la tag ni..harus direply upenye..

Real facts bout Madey..

-->Mahathir Bin Mahfordz@Madey@Kodey


-->slu group assignment dah siap mmg bg kat die la edit..kire cm de bakat editor gtu la..

-->byk 1 klas ngan aku mse amek degree dulu..(most of them)

-->aku slu buli die huhu ko xkisah kn madey =p

-->suke sgt tolong org..klu boleh nk tolong smp dpt..

-->klu melaser org bleh tahan gak tau mamat ni

-->berwawasan..ade perancngn utk mase depan..he knows what he wants

-->1 majoring ngan aku kt Faculty of Computer Science n Information System, UM

-->mementingkn keluarge n persahabatn..

nice to knw n be ur friend Madey..even ko mude aku setahun, byk jgk yg aku blajar dr ko..
thanks for being such a good friend of mine.. =)

Real facts bout Mastura Mohd Azlim

-->chinese name: Lim Lam Fonng..gune time aku skolah SJK (C) dulu2..skrg ni kwn2 cine je panggil ngan nme ni


-->kecik2 dulu mals gile g skolah..smp penah pkcik bas dukung aku trun bas bwk naek g skolah..

-->mals gile nk study tp xtau nape aku smbg n trus smbg study..weird...

-->aku suke dgr problem org..hope dpt tolong ckt meringankn pale otak dorg...

-->cite-cite aku nk jd seorg isteri n ibu yg keje2 nk cr rezeki ni aku xkisah pun keje pape

-->trying my best to not being too emotional

-->the only daughter of my parents..mmg manje ngan parents, adik2 n abg2 serius penat bile sume kemas mngemas ni mharapkan kite je..fuuhhh (tukang sepahnye ramai)

-->mase zamn skolah dulu aku suke gile msuk acare sukan2 ni..100m, 4x100m, 200m, 400m, lompat jauh, lompat tinggi, maen hoki, softbol..

-->dulu mse de kdai suke gile tnye makcik2 kt kg aku yg dtg kdai pasal resepi dorg..skrg xde dah :(

ok ckup la tu..hehehe

now aku kne tag 10 friends and plz reply this tag..coz u hv been tagged.. =)

1 . syarq
2. mek long
3. mas hidir
4. hanani
5. funna
6. wawa
7. alisa
8. alwani
9. ainul
10. kepade sesape yg bace n nk reply tag ni.. u hv been tagged..ya u!!


madey said...

huhu sayu laa plak..hehe

wei computer sc n information technology laaa...bile mase plak fac kite tukar name...baru setahun tggalkan um kot

mascin said...

hahaha silap eh weh
aku tbyng kitenye MIS je mase aku taip tu

nmpk sgt la xprihatinnye huhuhu

s.y.a.r.q said...

wah..namu ku yg paling atas!! nnt aku buat yer laling.. :)

I.L.Y.A.N.I.E said...

owh i have been tagged ek?
nanti ai buat ea

mascin said...

wokeh babeh syg..

miss u girls..huhu

Alisa said...

bebtol madey leh jd editor..
ak pon xprasan ko tulih
"Faculty of Computer Science n Information System"..

mascin said... aku dah ckp..
die mmg de bakat editor..sume bende die leh nmpk..klu space xtelebih pun die nmpk ok.

madey said...
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madey said...

eh terdelete plak komen atas

ehem2..haaha kdg kala ketelitian itu amat perlu utk hasil yg GEMPAK..haha poyo jap

jdik editor? boleh gak...boleh buat pndapatan sampingan

mascin said...

aku nye komen atas tu..aku terkomen 2x hahahha..

ko mmg madey..1 um tau bakat terpendam ko tu..sgt la terserlah =p

Anonymous said...

saya tak baca tag nih :P.. so tayah wat lah ek? :p

mascin said...

dah komen tu kire bace la tu :P
biase die malas ni...